The MIS Difference
Where Wonder Leads to Knowing
Respected and sought after by private and public schools alike, Mary Immaculate graduates are shining examples of Christ in our community. With the guidance of the Nashville Dominican Sisters, MIS helps students come to know the Person of Christ while striving to get to college and heaven.
MIS by the Numbers
469 Current Students
$216,000 Scholarships Awarded to the Class of 2024 over 4 years
95% Student Retention Rate
Embracing Academic Rigor
Mary Immaculate is a place where children become scholars. MIS provides a path to excellence for each child that comes through our doors. Embracing various learning styles, our Content Mastery program helps students with learning differences such as dyslexia, ADD, and ADHD. On average, our students score in the top 18% nationally.
Flourishing in Faith
With the help of the Nashville Dominicans and deeply committed faculty and staff, MIS teaches students the Gospel message and expands their knowledge of the Creator and His creation, especially the human person made in His image. This is focused on love for the Church, love for Mary, love for the Eucharist, and implementing virtues in practice.
Developing Character
At MIS, character is developed over time through perserverance, hard work, and discipline. MIS provides students with opportunities to build their character, develop leadership skills, and learn team work through clubs and organizations, service, and athletics.
Cherishing Culture
Through the curriculum in the realm of Fine Arts, Spanish, and our diverse population, our students reflect the truth, beauty and goodness of the One that is True, Good, and Beautiful.
Forming Tomorrow’s Leaders
57% of America’s GDP and over 60% of our workforce originate from family businesses. Nearly half of America’s entrepreneurs grew up in a family business. The MIS Business Program introduces students to foundations of business management, invesetment strategies, and emerging technologies.
“Our girls were so excited to head back to MIS today and see all of you and their friends. I knew they would have a great time, but I wasn’t expecting them to be glowing and bubbling with joy when I picked them up. You fill their buckets up! ”