Faith Formation — Mary Immaculate School

Faith Formation

Under the guidance of Mary Immaculate Catholic Church and with the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia, we nurture the spiritual development of our students by providing a strong foundation in the Catholic Christian faith.

Our students attend daily religion classes and weekly Mass. Each school day begins with prayer and incorporates Christian values as part of all curriculum. Older students are paired with younger prayer partners to inspire both partners in their spiritual growth.


The school prepares second and eighth graders for the sacraments of First Holy Communion, Reconciliation and Confirmation.

Families seeking the sacraments outside of these grades are encouraged to work with the Religious Education Department at the parish. Their office is located in the school building between the kindergarten wing and the parish hall. You may also email them at

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Atrium

The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a program, built upon the Montessori method, in which children learn through the senses. If a child finds him/herself in a prepared environment that is orderly, beautiful and silent, they encounter Jesus by seeing, feeling, and hearing Him. Teachers assist in the development of this relationship but the ultimate direction is provided by the Spirit of God within each child. Catechesis of the Good Shepherd does not teach children in the same way a typical classroom does. It is organized into small areas based on scripture, liturgy and life experiences where children pray and enjoy God through tangible but indirect means. They learn about sacred vessels, holy gestures, and how to hear God in the “classroom of silence.” Click here to learn more about Catechesis of the Good Shepherd.

Religion Classes

MIS uses Word of Life by Augustine Institute to reinforce the truths of the Catholic faith—doctrine, Scripture, and the liturgical year— for K-4th and 6th grade students. The religion curriculum also includes a web-based component, which students and their families can access to enhance faith formation at home and at school.

Fifth, seventh and eighth graders are taught from the Spirit of Truth curriculum by Sophia Institute. A Dominican Sister teaches religion classes for students in grades 6th-8th.

All curriculum taught at MIS are approved by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).

School Masses

All are invited to join us at school Masses at 8:15 am on most Fridays during the school year. Stay up to date on the school mass with the MIS school calendar. Students serve as greeters, lectors, altar servers, choir and band members at the Friday Masses.

In addition to Holy Mass, family and friends are also invited to join us for Rosaries, Living Stations of the Cross, May Crowning and other prayer services.

Service Projects

MIS incorporates monthly community service projects in addition to classroom activities. These projects help students learn compassion and the importance of civic responsibility. They also realize the blessings they’ve received.