From the Nurses’ Office
Below are frequently asked questions regarding student health. All communications regarding student health, medical inquires, and related matters, should be directed to:
When a student is absent from school, the parent must call the nurses’ office at 972-243-7105 (ext. 111) by 9:00 A.M. This procedure is to be repeated each day of the student’s absence. Do not email the nurses regarding absences.
Year Round Precautions
MIS is proactive in trying to reduce illness transmission through the following recommendations, and you are urged to do the same at home:
Use hand sanitizer or wash hands before going to lunch.
Use hand sanitizer or wash hands after coughing, sneezing, and blowing nose.
Wash hands with soap after using the bathroom.
Use cough and sneeze etiquette by covering nose and mouth with a tissue when sneezing or coughing, or to sneeze or cough into sleeve if a tissue is not available.
Students use only pens/pencils/crayons from their own school supply.
Stay home with the following symptoms; fever with a sore throat and/or cough, body aches, fatigue.
Any students with a fever (temperature 100 degrees or more) may not return to school until fever free without the use of fever-reducing medicine for 24 hours.
Everyone receive the seasonal flu vaccine as soon as possible.
Each year, U.S. hospital emergency departments treat an estimated 135,000 sports/recreation related traumatic brain injuries — including concussions — among children ages 5 to 18. Many parents link concussions to the sport of football, but a recent study of high school athletes shows this isn’t just a guy thing or just a sports thing: concussions can happen on the playground or even at home after a fall. Children and teens are more likely to get a concussion and take longer to recover than adults, and athletes who have ever had a concussion are at increased risk for another concussion. With sports ramping up again with the new school year, the Diocese would like us all to learn the signs and symptoms of a concussion and what to do if a concussion occurs. Click here to view a fact sheet for parents on Concussions.
Influenza/Flu Virus
As the flu season draws near, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) urges you to take the following steps to protect yourself and others from influenza (the flu): #1 Vaccinate, #2 Stop Germs, #3 Antiviral Drugs. Click here to view a fact sheet for parents on avoiding the flu.
Should I be concerned about the flu virus? Yes. You should be concerned about the seasonal flu or a cold.
Is the flu virus present at Mary Immaculate School? Yes. Just as it is present in every public place: other schools, movie theatres, grocery stores, etc. Just as it is most likely present in your own home as well.
Then why are people so worried about the flu virus? As with any type of virus, most people don't have the immunity to fight it. This means that more people could get infected compared to an average year. It is important to remember that the vast majority of Influenza illness, whether seasonal or a specific strain, will run a typical course without complications and persons affected will recover within a week or less. Cases publicized in the media spotlight the rare instances where complications from the flu have occurred.
How contagious is the flu? When infected people cough or sneeze, droplets are released into the air. If other people are close by (within about 6 feet), they may breathe in the droplets...which can lead to infection. People may also get infected by touching droplets on a person's hands or droplets that may have landed on hard surfaces such as door knobs, and then touching their eyes, mouth or nose before washing their hands.
Should my children stay home from school to reduce the risk of being infected with the flu virus? No. Children should only stay home if they are feeling sick. Families who have family members with compromised immune systems should call the school nurse to discuss their individual situations.
Should we keep our children home from sleepovers and other social gatherings on the weekends and after school? Common sense comes in handy for this situation: Is there a known illness in the home? Is your child prone to respiratory illness? If so, you may want to re-think the situation. Health officials say children should be kept home only if they are ill.
If a child becomes ill at school, what happens? The student will be sent to the isolation / infectious wait room of our clinic his/her parent can pick him up, according to Diocese and federal guidelines. As this virus can be picked up as easily from going to the mall or a movie as it can from being at school, no notifications will be sent home of grade-confirmed cases at school.
When can a child who has been confirm as ill with the flu virus return to school?
A person with Influenza or Influenza-like illness must be kept at home until they are fever-free for a full 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications. We also ask that you keep your child at home until their cough has stopped.Will our school be closed if many students, staff members or volunteers have the flu? No. The flu virus is circulating in our communities; therefore, closing schools is not an effective way to control the spread of the virus. Even when not in school, students may still be at risk of getting the virus by spending time in close proximity in malls or movie theatres. As directed by the Diocese, MIS would be closed only as a last resort if classes could not continue because so many students or staff are absent. School district officials prepared for the flu with guidance from county, state and federal health officials. The decision to close our school because of an outbreak would be made by either the Diocese or the county health office.
What are the symptoms of the flu virus? The flu virus is a respiratory (breathing) illness that causes symptoms similar to those of the regular seasonal flu. They include fever, cough, sore throat, fatigue, and muscle aches. Some may also have vomiting and diarrhea.
Where can parents turn for more information about the virus?
Any parents who are concerned about any virus can call the Nurse's Office (972-243-7105 x111) at any time during the school day. More information can be found at the federal government's website at